Man Charurat, PhD

Man Charurat, PhD

Dr. Charurat holds appointments at the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s Department of Medicine and Department of Epidemiology and Public Health. He is also Director of the Division of Epidemiology and Prevention at the Institute of Human Virology and Global Director of the Center for International Health, Education, and Biosecurity (Ciheb). His research focuses on maternal-infant HIV transmission, key and vulnerable populations, implementation science, HIV surveillance, and transmission dynamics. 

Dr. Charurat has mentored many African researchers who are in important positions in their universities or governments in making their fights against HIV. He serves on numerous national and international committees including appointment to the NIH AIDS and Clinical and Epidemiology Review Panel, the World Bank-funded Center of Excellence in Public Health and Maternal-child Health, and the International AIDS Society. 

Dr. Charurat has authored more than 170 peer-reviewed articles and serves as PI for over $200 million in grant funding for research and training in sub-Saharan Africa from the U.S. NIH and CDC. He and his team have established vibrant centers of excellence in Nigeria, Kenya, Zambia, Botswana, and Tanzania that conduct public health implementation and clinical research in infectious diseases and cancer control. Dr. Charurat has played very important roles on the INFORM Africa project while he served as MPI for the first two (2) years of the project and continues to contribute significantly to the overall success of the hub as a co-investigator for project 1.

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